
Prime Planet Energy Dalian (PPEDL) C2 Phase was successfully delivered


Thanks for Prime Planet Energy Dalian (PPEDL) The owner continued to trust, after C1 and R & D building were smoothly handed over and put into operation, C2 phase was successfully delivered. Safety first, commitment will be achieved, Kaiser consistent with Buildung Integrity.

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彭泽县| 长沙县| 宁城县| 娄烦县| 阳朔县| 连城县| 惠安县| 务川| 上饶市| 进贤县| 正定县| 阜南县| 南涧| 宜阳县| 永安市| 洪泽县| 甘洛县| 牙克石市| 昌平区| 海门市| 桂阳县| 阜南县| 清水河县| 寿光市| 黎川县| 六枝特区| 镇坪县| 来宾市| 乌兰察布市| 临江市| 台中县| 饶平县| 南宫市| 合水县| 左云县| 改则县| 来凤县| 乌兰察布市| 曲水县| 蚌埠市| 婺源县|