
y architect life begins during college time. I was a college professor for 8 years after my graduation giving academic courses to students. In order to get more experience, I left college and joined an industrial project management company in charge of construction management. In five-year time, I accumulated lot of experience in construction management. Later I found the after sales maintenance was not well managed, I desired to create a mechanism that involves the management on every aspect of project construction. At the same time, I talked to my mentor (a Japanese friend), who suggest me to establish my own company. This was an unexpected, exciting and challenging advice. I wondered if this is the time for me to found a company, if this is what I really want.

I had to change my way of thinking, in order to meet the challenges of the real world and meet quality standards.

Just like in other businesses, customers satisfaction is the ultimate goal for project construction business. Even though this cannot be easily realized in project construction industry, I believe I must lead my company to achieve the quality recognized all over the world.
Though we have the ambition to match and equal world class quality, I still lacked total confidence about my experience in some cases. At the time, Chinese economy is booming, world large enterprises all wanted to build industrial plants in China. This means lots of opportunities for players in the project construction business.
I made up my mind to learn Japanese architecture, and became involved in the construction industry. I always wanted to learn Japanese top class construction technology, aesthetics, and quality assurance. I surmised that if we can learn and match Japanese quality, we can satisfy all the countries of the world. With this thought in mind, I became responsible for the maintenance engineering department in a Japanese construction EPC firm.

I thought I had understood Japanese building technology and techniques. Only when I witnessed Japanese construction technology and quality with my own eyes, the full impact of what I had undertaken become fully understood. For each procedure completed in the construction process, management and customer's carefully communicated, documenting each step. I witnessed in Japan ultrahigh construction quality, and service level. Could my construction company in China rival Japanese quality?
As proof of quality, I looked at Japanese buildings built many years earlier, ravaged by all manner of weather and still the buildings maintained the appearance of it's original quality. To me, this is the true test of quality. As a comparison, Chinese built factories needed frequent repairs after being built, however; Japanese built factories barely had any repairs for ten years later.
During the maintenance of a 10 years of Japanese factor, the embedded pipes inside the walls and other parts are still neat as the day they were completed. Ten years of quality that remains the same, I couldn't find any exception with Japanese quality of construction.
My eyes will not deceive me, they attest to Japanese quality standards. This level of quality guarantees customer satisfaction. I told myself this is the level of quality I want to pursue in my company.

I decided to take the example of Japanese construction as a goal when I set up Kaiser Construction Company in 1998. " Building Integrity = construct building with our integrity " each procedure reflects honesty, and a commitment to deal with every detail carefully, " Integrity " produces final quality, and satisfies customers, this was my goal when Kaiser was founded.
With “Building Integrity” in mind, Kaiser began it business with Japanese enterprise construction project. We started our During business expansion, Kaiser accumulated experience, as a result we got all the licenses of design, construction, supervision, consultation, bidding and agency for an EPC firm. As the company grew and developed, we recognized that our main customers are Japanese, European, and American enterprise, to date Kaiser has already built more than 500 projects. I am now taking Doctorate courses and researching architecture.
I really love architecture, almost crazy about the subject, it is a real passion for me. In the future, I will continue to focus on the construction industry. Dedicated to customers service, constantly committed to innovation and new product and construction developments. Our goal is to contribute to excellent construction for the enhancement of society and reflect our epoch for future generations.

Wang Kai

大連カイザー建設 代表 王 凱

WangKai resume


Born in Baotou city, Inner Mongolia.


Graduated from North China Institute of water conservancy and hydropower.


Was a teacher in the metallurgical industry 22 smelter University.


Tuan of Dalian Industry Development Corporation works Department

December 1998

Dalian Kaiser International (engineering) serving General Manager of consultation and supervision.

March 2003

Dalian University School of civil engineering and water conservancy engineering master's degree made

June 2013

Doctor degree from Dalian University of Technology, Hydraulic Engineering school

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