
Kaiser tries to avoid "fixed model" project price quotation.

Kaiser discourages "fixed model" price quotation because such methods cannot take into account fluctuating material demands, which can result in large and sudden additions of material costs after commencement.

Kaiser designs the price quotation drawings on the basis of the customer's concept drawings.

In order to prepare non-"fixed model" quotation, material quantity and material types must be precisely calculated. This process requires blueprint drawings. Unfortunately, during the quotation process, the design blueprint does not exist. Thus, Kaiser will design price quotation drawings during the blueprint stage. Based on the price quotation drawing, calculations on project costs can be made.

Clarify details of materials to estimate a more precise price.
Hundreds of pages of price breakdown are the proof.

The use methods of materials will cause quantity difference of construction materials. Therefore, we will make designs before we go into estimation.
Based on the design drawings as well as the use methods of different materials, we will calculate the length, quantity, categories and cost of each material. All those information will be clearly indicated in our quotation. We will provide the customer with hundreds of pages of quotation, which is the best proof.
During the price estimation stage, we will provide highly precise quotation for the customer making budget as precise as possible.

Details of materials and their brands will be clearly described in our quotation

Kaiser identifies brands by attaching photos.

During price quotation stage, all product brands used in construction shall be defined and clearly marked in quotation list.
In this way, Kaiser avoids contract price inflation and design alteration due to brand changes.
Kaiser attaches photographs of all materials selected for the quotation to allow for cross-checks during actual construction as a way for the customer to double check the validity of Kaiser's initial quotation and plan.

Kaiser makes a clear explanation about related material and equipment for customers without product knowledge.

Kaiser only includes materials in quotation after the customer has been fully educated about the product.
Quotation prices will vary with brand selection. Kaiser will offer all of its experience to the client in helping to select a brand, but the final decision will remain with the client.

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